National Poetry Day

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Why it's news when a poet dies:

'Within the airwaves we carry
our hutted entrails; and we pray;

shrieks abandoned by lonely road-sides

as the gunmen’s boots tramp.

I lift up the chalice of hyssop and tears

to touch the lips of the thirsty

sky-wailing in a million spires

of hate and death; we pray

bearing the single hope to shine

burnishing in the destiny of my race

that glinting sword of salvation.

In time my orchestra plays my music

from potted herbs of anemone and nim

pour upon the festering wounds of my race,

to wash forever my absorbent radiance

as we search our granary for new corn.'

From This Earth, My Brother by Kofi Awoonor

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A varied, mature, layered and exquisite third collection.

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A woman speaks her motherhood to another
woman. I pass them everyday on my way home
from the school run, holding on to the adult moment
happening between them on the pavement.

Beside her house there's a tall dark tree
tucked behind the low wall of her garden, and today
her smallest daughter stood alone and enthralled
it in conversation.

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